Family Matters

Our Family Amy and Lulu

Rhumba can’t stop drawing.  All right, there are occasional bouts of knitting, and of swearing at knitting machines.  But mainly, she draws caricatures.  As a loyal husband, I have to say that she’s getting very good at it.  Fortunately, I’m not lying.

When Rhumba’s on a roll, she can draw a fairly simple caricature in under five minutes.  Complexity takes ten or fifteen.  And when she’s done – she throws it in a pile, or a wastebasket.  And forgets it.  On to the next one.

Our Family Granddaugher Venus

The damned things are everywhere: an avalanche of faces, wherever I look. Masses of eyes, grins, and grimaces stare up from tabletops, sideboards, in-boxes. It’s enough to make you flinch.

I was finally impelled to put  a batch of them to some use, before she threw them out.  So I took twenty-odd caricatures, put them in some order, and pasted them up on a piece of foam-core board. They are now the Dysfunctional Family Tree, with appropriate descriptive captions.  Here’s the entire image: click on it to see it in a separate wiindow, and click again to see it in truly large size and read the captions.

Our Family Large

Amazing what you can do with three dollars worth of form-core and a gluestik. Unfortunately, Rhumba’s just drawn 20 more. So I’d better get cracking.  Next stop: the Dysfunctional Company.

3 thoughts on “Family Matters

    1. admin Post author

      Gnome, thanks.

      Katie: I came up with the “family” concept, picked the illustrations, and wrote the captions. That said, Rhumba is capable of writing an exceedingly funny two-line short story pertaining to any picture she draws. She just isn’t doing it right now.


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